Suspicions of corruption in the European Parliament: “We environmentalists have been defending an independent...

Four people were charged and imprisoned, including a vice-president of Parliament, Eva Kaili. They are suspected of having received money from Qatar in exchange...

The losses caused by Hurricane Ian, in the billions, will slow down growth in...

Residents of mobile homes clean up debris in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian in Fort Myers, Florida, on September 29, 2022 New York (AFP) -...

COP 27: China and the United States absent from the climate summit

COP 27 kicked off Monday, November 7, in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. The leaders of China and the United States, the two biggest polluters on...

Herschel Walker Admits He Wrote $700 Check But Doesn’t Know Why

Herschel Walker has now admitted that he wrote the $700 check to his ex-girlfriend, but he swears he didn't give her the money to...

Deaf Boy Can Now Hear After Breakthrough Gene Treatment

Deaf Boy Can Now Hear After Breakthrough Gene Treatment Washington (AFP) - His father’s voice, the sounds of passing cars, and scissors clipping his hair:...
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