1. Breast pain or tenderness: Iodine is necessary for the functioning of the female reproductive system. Inadequate levels of iodine can lead to painful or tender breasts. This condition can occur before menstrual periods, making it difficult for women to determine if it’s due to an iodine deficiency or menstrual pain.
  2. Brain fog or forgetfulness: Iodine deficiencies can have a significant impact on cognitive health, leading to brain fog or forgetfulness. Low iodine intake can cause reduced thyroid hormone production, leading to sluggish cognitive function. It becomes difficult to concentrate or remember things.
  3. Constantly feeling cold: Feeling cold when others are comfortable is a sign of inadequate thyroid hormone production. Since the thyroid hormone is iodine dependent, a low iodine diet will lead to reduced thyroid hormone production, implying that the body won’t keep warm as expected.